
October WARDian of the Month: Dames Bond

Published Wed 10 Nov 2021


How did you first hear about roller derby?

I first heard about roller derby when my Dad started playing roller hockey the Bunbury derby team use to train before the hockey. I watched the end of their training sessions a few times and it always seemed like fun. So when I finished uni and finally had the money and means to pick up a sport again this seemed like the challenge I needed.


What is something that you know about roller derby now that you wish you knew when you first started?

That you'll have skills that you seem to get quickly while others will struggle with it but they will also have skills that they dominate in while you struggle for weeks. Take people's advice and give it a try and also don't be afraid to give other's suggestions to help them. It's rewarding when yourself and others finally get that skill they've been working so hard on.


What is a roller derby goal you are working towards right now?

Transition stops. Still feels strange to go up on toe stops together and sometimes my bad transition side is dodge but overall getting there with practice.


What do you do to keep your derby brain switched on?

Just keep involved with all that I reasonably can with derby, go to training, NSO, learning to ref, listening and learning from others.


Who in WARD is inspiring you at the moment?

There's definitely heaps to be inspired by; the coaches such as Penny and Gen, for all their advice and skills; those learning to play like Butters and Stryker; those with mad skills like Tiny. Just that everyone gets knocked down and gets back up, taking each challenge in their stride is inspiring. 


What keeps you enthused about roller derby? 

I think the community of people, the challenges derby and skating presents, but beyond that the game itself is a really interesting tactical team sport. I love watching it at the international level and at the level of training scrims and I hope to eventually love playing it too.


Who do you nominate as our next WARDian of the Month?

I nominate Rainbow because she's a constant (excuse the pun) ray of light at training and has been NSOing and otherwise volunteering like crazy.

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