
July WARDian of the Month: Scrappy Doo!

Published Tue 12 Oct 2021

How did you first hear about roller derby?

I remember seeing a Facebook event for info sessions on my local community page. I was always interested but had no idea it was in Perth! I think I went to about 3 sessions and a demo match before the time was right for me to join. I went by myself to everything because I wanted something that was just for me. 


What is something that you know about roller derby now that you wish you knew when you first started?

How much of a community it is. I love that you can be you and make some awesome friends. I love how diverse it is and how everyone is super accepting and encouraging. 

What is a roller derby goal you are working towards right now?

I am trying to bring my O game. Its a super cerebral role that you have to think about 1000 things all at once. It makes you think so much more about the strategies and pack rather than just stopping the Jammer. 

I would love to be able to switch my game between offensive and defensive a lot quicker and know exactly where I am needed before I am! 

What do you do to keep your derby brain switched on?

Watching other players who have the style I am trying to learn. I love watching the more senior members and their strategies  in playing the game.

Who in WARD is inspiring you at the moment?

Subz. She is an absolute triple threat that is a great in every single role. She is so encouraging and shares her knowledge so freely. She plays so effortlessly too.

What keeps you enthused about roller derby? 

Just playing it. When I get a move or do something good it encourages me to keep going. When I see great game play I want to practise more so I can do it too! 

Who do you nominate as our next WARDian of the Month?

Squeals. She absolutely gives it her all and no matter how many times she gets knocked down she always gets back up. 

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